Tag Archives: louisville

The face of Hope

If you’re from the Louisville area, chances are good that you know at least some of Hope’s story.  I had

Horses need vacations, too!

My reining horse, Max, is long overdue for a little R and R. He’s been on the show circuit since March and has

Juno- Louisville Husky

I just have to say, first of all, that I am *always* excited to shoot portraits Huskies!  They are just such stunning

Hot Dog!

OK- so I’ve been reasonably obsessed with Basset Hounds since I was a kid. I’ve never actually had one..

A Seriously Cute Dog!

I mean… really. You can’t find a much cuter dog than this one, right?  Jenny is a Border Terrier. Ever

Something old.. something new

Well… I’m trying a little something new. My favorite thing in the world is still to photograph animals in