Tag Archives: Louisville Dog Portrait

Esme- La petit chien francais

I’m not trying to show off my superb french skills- or lack thereof-  when putting “un peu de

Frosty and Patti!

I try not to have any preconceived notions about my dog models before I get to know them.. but I have to admit that I

Mini Dogs in the Big City

I do so many shoots in a farm or a home setting that it was really fun to do this one in downtown Louisville. These

A Seriously Cute Dog!

I mean… really. You can’t find a much cuter dog than this one, right?  Jenny is a Border Terrier. Ever

Something old.. something new

Well… I’m trying a little something new. My favorite thing in the world is still to photograph animals in

Sadie and Star

Ok- crazy times right now!! I photographed these gorgeous labs last week and am just now getting to show them to you!!