Haley and Herbie

So… in case you haven’t noticed…. it’s a little bit nippy outside! Wow!

So what better time to schedule a shoot with a three year old, right? This is poor little Haley all dressed up and trying really hard to smile but she is FREEZING! Look at her little white knuckles.


She was so cute- trying to be a trooper. So…  we did get a few shots with her in that adorable dress before we put on the coat. That made her a little happier!

I’ve found some little dogs really hate the cold, too. But Herbie didn’t mind at all- he was having a ball and posing up a storm!


He’s a total ham- and the funny thing is that he begs on command. And he holds it forever! I don’t think I’ve ever seen another dog take posing to that extreme!

This was a pretty short photo shoot because we really couldn’t keep Haley outside for very long or she might have frozen solid. 
So.. we took her inside and let her show off her other pet:) Butterscotch also holds his poses- even with a monkey on his ear! 


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